Monday, December 15, 2008

It doesn't take much to make me happy....

A couple of months ago, I reached into my purse to pull out my keys, and the key to my van had come unattached from my key chain. The little circle that goes onto the key chain broke...making it impossible for me to attach it to the key chain!

It was annoying to carry only the single key, not be able to attach it to our key holder in the laundry room, constantly be digging for it in my purse. So, finally, I decided to call the dealer to find out how much it would be to purchase a new one. Of course, they can't just replace the black part of the key, the WHOLE THING has to be replaced. And do you want to know how much they wanted for a new key?.......

$185.00!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's read that correctly...$185.00 to buy the key and have it programmed to work with my van. No way!!! I am NOT paying that kind of money for a key. I decided there has to be some sort of solution for this problem. There is no way I am the only person to deal with this.

Enter the Click Slicker! I love the internet! After searching for a few minutes online, I found the Clicker Slicker...a little leather pouch that you put your key in and attach to your key ring. Guess how much I paid??? $13.99 plus $3.00 shipping!!!!!

Don't tell me I need to pay $185.00 to get a new key is now the proud new owner of the Clicker Slicker!!

Life is good...and I am happy!

P.S. I purchased the black one in hopes that it would blend in a little better!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

A Day in the Life...

of a Black Friday shopper. That's right...I'm officially a true Black Friday shopper! I am NOT normally a morning person but each year my mom, aunt and cousins get up VERY EARLY on Black Friday and shop. This year I decided to join them!

Here is how it went down...

Thanksgiving Day

Before Meal: Discuss plans for shopping

After Meal - 3:00 - Sit down with shopping ads and discuss who needs what and who will go where.

6:00 - Cousin Wendi decides the plan is not "firm" so we sit down for yet anothe planning session!

9:30 - Go to bed

Black Friday

2:45 AM - Get up after a restless night of sleep because Aunt Sheila has warned me that I BETTER be ready at 3:15 AM!

3:14 AM - Aunt Sheila picks me and Mom up! Music is blaring in her car. She is chatty. I am good to go at this point, but prefer not to talk!

3:30 AM - Get in line at Kohls. It's freezing! Discuss with Mom and Aunt Sheila who will get what and who will get in line to reserve a spot.

4:00 AM - Kohl's open. It's crazy! People rushing for carts and 1/2 price GPS systems.

4:20 AM - Done with Kohls. Head to Macy's. Stop for a granola bar to give us energy.

5:00 AM - Macy's open. Shop. Try on clothes. Look at purses. After 30 minutes in the purse department, Aunt Sheila finds a purse the size of a mini suitcase, but decides to keep looking.

6:30 AM - Head into mall and shop various stores that are open. Sears....Aunt Sheila looks for a purse. Dillards...Aunt Sheila looks for a purse. No luck.

7:00 AM - I'm starting to crash. Get a Diet Coke and mini Cinnabon. Ready to go again!

9:00 AM - Meet up with Cousin Wendi. Let me tell you...she has shopped...she's a pro at this!!! Back to Macy's for more shopping. Mom buys outfit. Mom returns outfit. Aunt Sheila decides she hasn't found another purse she likes better than the first so decides to go to the purse department and get it. It is gone. Aunt Sheila is she consoles herself by buying 2 pairs of shoes...2 pairs of the same shoe in 2 different colors!

10:45 AM - Leave mall and head to various other stores

12:00 PM - Go to Olive Garden to meet family for lunch. Aunt Sheila looks like she just might fall asleep in her Chicken Scampi! Mom gets slap happy...and laughs uncontrollably.

2:00 PM - Head to Target. I promised Brit I would take her shopping after lunch. I'm REALLY ready to be done at this point.

3:30 PM - Done!! AAAHHH!!! Head home to Cincy. Car is so crowded with our purchases that we can barely move and have boxes and bags under our feet!

I have to say I think this might be an annual tradition for me. Lots of good shopping, lots of good deals, lots of fun with family!

I hope I don't have to see 2:45 AM for another's an ungodly hour!