Monday, December 15, 2008

It doesn't take much to make me happy....

A couple of months ago, I reached into my purse to pull out my keys, and the key to my van had come unattached from my key chain. The little circle that goes onto the key chain broke...making it impossible for me to attach it to the key chain!

It was annoying to carry only the single key, not be able to attach it to our key holder in the laundry room, constantly be digging for it in my purse. So, finally, I decided to call the dealer to find out how much it would be to purchase a new one. Of course, they can't just replace the black part of the key, the WHOLE THING has to be replaced. And do you want to know how much they wanted for a new key?.......

$185.00!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's read that correctly...$185.00 to buy the key and have it programmed to work with my van. No way!!! I am NOT paying that kind of money for a key. I decided there has to be some sort of solution for this problem. There is no way I am the only person to deal with this.

Enter the Click Slicker! I love the internet! After searching for a few minutes online, I found the Clicker Slicker...a little leather pouch that you put your key in and attach to your key ring. Guess how much I paid??? $13.99 plus $3.00 shipping!!!!!

Don't tell me I need to pay $185.00 to get a new key is now the proud new owner of the Clicker Slicker!!

Life is good...and I am happy!

P.S. I purchased the black one in hopes that it would blend in a little better!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

A Day in the Life...

of a Black Friday shopper. That's right...I'm officially a true Black Friday shopper! I am NOT normally a morning person but each year my mom, aunt and cousins get up VERY EARLY on Black Friday and shop. This year I decided to join them!

Here is how it went down...

Thanksgiving Day

Before Meal: Discuss plans for shopping

After Meal - 3:00 - Sit down with shopping ads and discuss who needs what and who will go where.

6:00 - Cousin Wendi decides the plan is not "firm" so we sit down for yet anothe planning session!

9:30 - Go to bed

Black Friday

2:45 AM - Get up after a restless night of sleep because Aunt Sheila has warned me that I BETTER be ready at 3:15 AM!

3:14 AM - Aunt Sheila picks me and Mom up! Music is blaring in her car. She is chatty. I am good to go at this point, but prefer not to talk!

3:30 AM - Get in line at Kohls. It's freezing! Discuss with Mom and Aunt Sheila who will get what and who will get in line to reserve a spot.

4:00 AM - Kohl's open. It's crazy! People rushing for carts and 1/2 price GPS systems.

4:20 AM - Done with Kohls. Head to Macy's. Stop for a granola bar to give us energy.

5:00 AM - Macy's open. Shop. Try on clothes. Look at purses. After 30 minutes in the purse department, Aunt Sheila finds a purse the size of a mini suitcase, but decides to keep looking.

6:30 AM - Head into mall and shop various stores that are open. Sears....Aunt Sheila looks for a purse. Dillards...Aunt Sheila looks for a purse. No luck.

7:00 AM - I'm starting to crash. Get a Diet Coke and mini Cinnabon. Ready to go again!

9:00 AM - Meet up with Cousin Wendi. Let me tell you...she has shopped...she's a pro at this!!! Back to Macy's for more shopping. Mom buys outfit. Mom returns outfit. Aunt Sheila decides she hasn't found another purse she likes better than the first so decides to go to the purse department and get it. It is gone. Aunt Sheila is she consoles herself by buying 2 pairs of shoes...2 pairs of the same shoe in 2 different colors!

10:45 AM - Leave mall and head to various other stores

12:00 PM - Go to Olive Garden to meet family for lunch. Aunt Sheila looks like she just might fall asleep in her Chicken Scampi! Mom gets slap happy...and laughs uncontrollably.

2:00 PM - Head to Target. I promised Brit I would take her shopping after lunch. I'm REALLY ready to be done at this point.

3:30 PM - Done!! AAAHHH!!! Head home to Cincy. Car is so crowded with our purchases that we can barely move and have boxes and bags under our feet!

I have to say I think this might be an annual tradition for me. Lots of good shopping, lots of good deals, lots of fun with family!

I hope I don't have to see 2:45 AM for another's an ungodly hour!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

A Letter from Brit...

Before I pass on Brit's letter, you should know two things...

1. There is a rule in our home that the bed MUST be made every day! Except Sunday! When I was growing up, we didn't have to make our beds on Sundays...somehow I still feel like Sunday is the only day it's OK for my bed to be unmade! Brit's punishment if she doesn't make her bed...she has to go to bed one hour early! That is torture to her!

2. Once Britlyn is in bed, she is supposed to stay in bed. It doesn't always work, but if I would let her, she would come down 25 times to tell me her stomach hurts, she needs some water, she doesn't want a Gogurt in her lunch b/c she likes them frozen and by the time lunch comes at school they are not frozen anymore! Whatever she can think of! So...once she is in bed, she is SUPPOSED to stay in bed.

The other night when Matt and I were headed to bed, we found a note from Brit at the top of the stairs. Here is what it said (written exactly as she wrote it):

Der Mom,

I have growing pains. Can you come upstairs and pull my legs.

Thack you,

Britlyn Coleman


P.S. (with an arrow for me to turn the page over)


Have I ever told you that Britlyn is a very dramatic child!!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Fall Fun!

The past few weeks have been filled with a lot of fall activities. A few weekends ago we met my parents at a local farm for a hayride and picking out pumpkins! It was a beautiful day and we had a great time!

Last week my mother-in-law from Florida visited! We had a great time. I love having her here...and I would say that even if she didn't read this blog :)!

She did several baking projects with the girls, made a dress for Brit's American Girl doll to match her High School Musical costume, went on a field trip with Brit's class and just hung out with us. Unfortunatley for her, we had some VERY cold days while she was here! She didn't come out from under the blanket on the couch for a few cold days! The last couple of days she was here it warmed up!

Then, of course, was Halloween! We had Gabrielle from High School Musical...

And Blue from Blue's Clues! (my $3 find at a garage sale this summer)

The kids had fun and got lots of candy...most of which will be slowly thrown out when they are in bed at night!

Next up...the Holiday Season! I'm tired just thinking about it!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Big Girl Moment!

In all of the excitement of hurricanes and car accidents, I forgot to post a big moment in Avery's life! She moved to a "big girl bed!"

She has done great! Here is a little video clip of her talking about it before bed that night!

P.S. I sold her crib and changing table today on Craig's List! I don't know him personally...but I do love Craig!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Let the Floodgates Open...

This morning, as I was pulling out of the garage, running late to get Britlyn to her horseback riding activity for American Heritage Girls, I heard a "crunch". It wasn't a sound I was supposed to be hearing pulling my van out of the garage. There shouldn't be anything behind me! But there was...Matt's car! When I heard the sound, I thought "what am I hitting?" And then I realized.

At that moment...all of the stress of the past few weeks...the hurricane that hit and caused a lot of damage to our house...that required a $500 deductible...while we are trying to do the Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University plan and build up our savings....that caused me to miss nearly a week of work because our internet was out from the storm....the talk from my boss about us being so slow because the real estate market is horrible in Florida (which really means my job is in jeopardy) my husband being gone A LOT with coaching and other job related me dealing with 2 kids who seem to fight my brain that won't stop thinking at night about all of the "stuff" going on and won't allow me to ALL CAME TO THE SURFACE!!!

Now, I am not normally one who cries. My Dad and sister call me and my Mom "rocks" because we rarely cry. There's really no need for it. It doesn't accomplish anything. But this morning...oh this morning...I had had enough! When I hit his car (and all I could think of was the damage...and the next deductible for the cars...and having to arrange getting the cars fixed with my husband's crazy schedule...and the rate increase that was sure to come from the that was a bit dramatic....but in a matter of seconds....that is what ran through my mind), the floodgates were opened!!!

My kids weren't exactly sure what to do. Brit ran in the house and told Matt that Mommy needed him. When he came out to find his normally composed wife in a heap over the steering wheel...crying, he calmly said, "It's ok. It's not that bad and it can all be fixed. It's not a problem." I love that man. He knows the perfect time to be calm and sweet and the person I need him to be!

As we drove away (a little more late than I was when we started), Avery said, "Mommy, you're too big to cry!"

Well, tomorrow is another day! Thank God!!

P.S. The cars were not nearly as bad as the sound when we hit. They will need to be fixed but the van just has some dents. Matt's car...which is old...will need a new headlight and has a dent that can probably be pounded out.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Whew...What a Week!!!

Well, we had a hurricane in Ohio this past week! Yes, that's right...a hurricane!! We left Florida after 10 years of dealing with hurricanes and had more damage to our house from a hurricane in Ohio than we ever had in Florida!

Last Sunday afternoon when we got out of church, it was EXTREMELY windy, but we didn't think much about it. Matt took Avery home and I took Britlyn to the grocery store. As I was getting ready to check out at the store, the power went out and they told us to leave our carts where they were and head out of the store. As I got into my van (and could barely get the door closed because the wind was blowing against it), I got a call from Matt that I needed to get home. He said the side of our house was coming off. I figured a few pieces of siding had come off, but when I pulled in the driveway, there were about 8 neighbors helping Matt as the siding was piece-by-piece coming off of our house and blowing...everywhere!! It was a strange sight...not realizing yet that we were experienceing the remnanats of Hurricane Ike mixed with a cold front coming down from Canada. It was something that rarely happens...but it was happening!

Here are some pictures of the damage to our house:

By Sunday evening when it was all over, nearly a million peope in our area were without power. We only lost it for about 24 hours. My parents were without it for 4 days...and still some people don't have it back after a week!

We were without internet for 6 days...and let me tell you...I need my internet!! Besides the fact, that I work from home...and 99% of my work is on the internet

Glad it's all over! Now....we wait for the insurance company and contractors to get our house could be long road!!!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Conversations with a 2 Year Old...

My conversation with Avery after dropping Britlyn off at school:

Avery: Where are we going?

Me: Home

Avery: I don't want to go home.

Me: Well, we need to go home.

Avery: No, Mommy, I don't won't to go home!

Me: I'm sorry, honey, but we have to go home

Avery: I. DON'T. WANT. TO. GO HOME!!!!!!

I quit arguing with her. After a couple of minutes of silence in the car:

Avery: I want Daddy.

Me: Daddy's at work.

Avery: Daddy not at work. I want Daddy.

Me: Avery, I am sorry but Daddy is at work. He will be home later tonight.

Avery: No, Daddy's not at work! I want my Daddy.

Me: Avery, Daddy is at work. I am sorry, but you can see him later.

Avery (whining): BUT. I. WANT. DADDY!!!!!

I think I am in for a long road with her (sigh)! It's a good thing she's cute!!

My conversation with Avery as we are leaving Ladies Bible Study at church:

Avery: My teacher is mean.

Me: Why is she mean?

Avery: She said "No".

Me: Why did she say no?

Avery: She won't let me take my crackers home.

Me: What do you mean?

Avery: In my [diaper] bag. I put my crackers in my bag and she said "No."

Me: That doesn't make her mean. She just doesn't want you to put crackers in your diaper bag.

Avery: She is mean. I'm not going to church anymore.

Me: (Laughing!!!)

Avery: Don't's not funny.

Please pray for Avery as she has decided church is not in her future!! :)

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Queen of Tacky Lives Here!

I am not a big fan of those flags that hang on your house. OK...that is putting it mildly...I really HATE them!! You know the ones that have the seasons, holidays, whatever on them. I think they are flat-out tacky!! Sorry if you have one...I don't mean to offend you...I just don't like them.

On Memorial Day, Matt came home from Home Depot with one. It was an American flag. He really came down on me when I objected to him putting it up telling me how "unpatriotic" I was...that men gave their lives for the freedom to display our flag! Ok, could I say no to that. Finally, I agreed...but ONLY the American flag.

Well, here's what I woke up to on Saturday morning.....

I am fairly certain that a flag with an Easter Bunny gnawing on a carrot is in the near future!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Palin Rocks!

I don't normally follow politics. Oh, I vote when it's time. I usually just vote straight Republican...even if I don't know much about them. I know, I know...I should read up, study, comtemplate, meditate and pray over who I am voting for. I don't. I just vote.

Oh....but this year........I am into the election!!!! I have watched more hours of the Replublican National Convention in the past 3 days than I have in my entire life combined!!!

Let me just say...Sara Palin is my new hero. I loved her speech. I love her views. I love her hair!
And I want this t-shirt!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

First Day of 2nd Grade....Done!

Well, summer is over (sniff, sniff). I used to hear moms say they couldn't wait for summer and I always thought that was's not like we moms are the ones going to school. I understand. No early mornings, no homework, no struggle to get to bed "on time". We had a GREAT summer with lots of trips to Kings Island, a vacation to Chicago, great time with my sister, brother and their families in from LA, several Reds games.

Yesterday was Brit's first day of 2nd grade. It is hard to believe she is in 2nd grade. Avery asked about her ALL DAY LONG! I think I see preschool in Avery's future!!! :)

Here is a picture of Britlyn with her new teacher, Mrs. Cole. She really likes her (whew)!

Friday, August 8, 2008

Bowling...Not Really My Thing!

My sister and her family are in town from LA! I love having them here...we only get to see them twice a year (sigh).

On Tuesday, we went bowling. As I left the bowling alley with a sore wrist, sore thumb, score of 55 and a sore ego, I decided that bowling will probably never be the way I make my living!

The kids had a great time though! I should have bowled on their lane...they had bumpers!

Here is a picture of my sister with Avery. Avery absolutely adores her.

We went to Kings Island on Wednesday. It was ridiculously hot, but we had a great time! That evening my parents watched all of the kids while we "adults" went back to ride the bigger rides. We rode the Beast and the Vortex, waited in line for 2 other rides only to find out they were "temporarily shut down". We decided we were all tired, so we got some Graeters Ice Cream (yum, yum) and headed home!!

Tonight we are headed to the Reds game and fireworks!!! Good times!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Just Breathe, Amy....Breathe!!!

I have a somewhat (ok...VERY) high maintenance 7 year old who likes a lot of one-on-one attention and doesn't play well on her own! (P.S. I love her to death!) Anyways, a few nights ago, some friends and I got together for a girls night out. One of my friends decided to give me some activities to do that will keep the girls occupied for hours!

She begins by telling me to take a cookie sheet and put some shaving cream on it and let them spread it around with their hands, blah, blah, blah! I quickly stopped her and told her my sister had given me the same "brilliant" idea a month or two ago and there was NO WAY I was going to deal with that mess.

After being told I was OCD and neurotic about cleanliness, I started thinking that maybe I was being ridiculous and needed to let them try this. So, I worked up my nerve yesterday and here you go...

Then, I got brave (or stupid) and decided to let them add food coloring for some fun!

Not sure that the food coloring was the best idea...Avery's hands and arms still look a little like the Incredible Hulk!

The girls LOVED it! I did OK. There were several times that I had to look away from the mess and tell myself to breathe!

When Matt came home from work to see the girls at the table having fun and me working in the kitchen and called me "Martha Stewart", I knew it was a success!!!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Britlyn's Big Day!!

Yesterday was a big day for our family! Britlyn got baptized at church. Our church does it a little differently in that they allow you to pick someone who has been instrumental in your spiritual life to baptize you (as long as they are saved and baptized as well). So, Matt got to baptize her! We are so proud of Britlyn!

Below is a video clip I took. Unfortunately, I turned the camera around at the beginning and for some reason I can't get it to show you will have to tilt your head to the left to watch it!! (Hey, I never claimed to be a great photographer!)

I need a vacation...

...from my vacation!!!! We got back Thursday night from a week in Chicago with some of Matt's family! We had a great time! We didn't stop the whole time. Here is a quick rundown of some of the things we did...

On the way to Chicago, we stopped at Fair Oaks Farm. It is a HUGE dairy farm with 30,000 cows! The kids had fun rock climbing, "milking" cows, riding trains! We even saw a baby cow being born!!! Yep...watched the delivery. I think Matt was more nervous during this one than our own children!! Let's just say it was VERY graphic!

We spent some time with Matt's family who still lives in Chicago.

Enjoyed riding on public transportation (a first for me) including trains, buses, trolleys, and the El.

Went to the Taste of Chicago!

Visited the Shedd Aquarium (boring...wouldn't recommend it).

Went to the Children's Museum!

Took Britlyn to American Girl Place to buy her first doll and ate at the cafe!! This was sooooo much fun! Matt's mom and I took Britlyn alone and we loved it. Way too expensive for a doll and lunch, but worth it for the memories!

Went to the Lincoln Park Zoo!

Went to a Chicago Cubs game!!! Wow!! What an experience! I have never seen more dedicated fans...ever. They even played the Cincy Reds. I cheered for my Reds...but probably not as loudly as I would have at our place...I was WAY out numbered!

Went to the Museum of Science and Industry!

(Sorry no pics of the last few events. I forgot our camera charger and we had to buy disposable cameras. I haven't developed those yet)!

It's always great to be home but we had a wonderful time with our kids and Matt's family! I'm ready to go back!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

My Little Green Machine

Green living is all the rage these days. Turn on the TV, the radio, open any magazine, walk into any store....that's ALL you hear about. To be brutally honest...I'm just not into it. "Learning to live in harmony with our natural environment"....don't really care. On the other hand, Britlyn has decided it is her job to be the "responsible" one in our family. A couple of months ago in school they talked about recycling. She came home and asked why we don't. I's the most basic part of helping the environment. I know I should at least do that...we just don't. We did in Florida...we don't here. I told her I need to call the garbage company and get set up with the recycle bins and start doing it. She reminds me almost daily. When I throw away a water bottle...I get a disapproving look from her...and a reminder to call Rumpke. When we are in restaurants, she asks me if they recycle!!! I don't know...I don't care!!! Where did I get this "green" child...and what am I supposed to do with her!

P.S. Please, please don't comment or write to me to express your concern about my lack of concern for the environment. I know there are some basics that I should start...and I will...eventually. But don't expect me to ride my bike to the mall or buy cleaning products that don't have a good harsh bleach smell! It's not gonna happen!

Friday, June 20, 2008

I love Summer!

To my 2 faithful blog readers....sorry I haven't been blogging much. It is summer...and we have been busy! Until you have lived in a climate where 65 is considered cold and then moved back to a place where winter is 10 months out of the year (ok...I am exaggerating...a little), you don't REALLY learn to appreciate summer. Well, let me say...I appreciate summer!!

Brit's last day of school was May 29 and we have been busy ever since. Here is what we have been up to:

Brit got her ear's pierced. Several months ago she asked if she could. We told her if she finished the school year out strong...without any paper's returned to her from her teacher saying "Try Again" (that is a whole other post), she could get them done after the school year. So, she did it! She did a great job while they pierced her tears! The tears came a few days after when she woke up in the morning and one earring had fallen out during the night. The hole had already closed up. We took her back to the store and they had to poke it through again...without the gun. Not fun!

We have been going to Kings Island a lot. We have passes and the kids LOVE going!

We have been swimming in our newly installed pool in our backyard.... it's not much, but Avery loves it! And our neighbors have a pool that Brit gets to swim in all the time!

We have been to a few Cincinnati Red's games. Including one that had fireworks afterward. Of course, it had to go into extra innings (ugh) but we stayed and really enjoyed the fireworks! Definitely worth the wait!

We leave in 2 weeks for a week of vacation in Chicago with some of Matt's family! We can't wait!

That's all for now!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

It's the Little Things...

Last Friday was my birthday. It was a nice day...nothing terribly exciting. Matt had a baseball game for the school he needed to attend that was an hour and a half away. He asked me and the girls to go. So we did (yeehaw!). By the time we got there, it was chilly and raining. Now, I love sports as much as the next girl (wink, is a MUST that I love sports since my husband is an Athletic Director), but sitting in the chilly rain watching a high school baseball game...not really my cup of tea. So we dropped off Matt and the girls and I went to the only nearby store...Super Walmart (ugh...does it get any better than that!). Once we got there, I took Avery out of her car seat, put the diaper bag in her car seat and bent down to tie her shoe. Britlyn, in an effort to help me, closed the door for me! The only problem...I had already locked the doors and my keys were in the diaper bag...sitting in the car seat...inside of the car...the car that I already locked! I watched as she closed the door. It was like it was in slow motion. The door closing as I am realizing that my keys will be locked in there. Not only were my keys locked in the car but my wallet, cell phone...everything! Now, we do have emergency roadside service through our auto insurance...which is great if your wallet with the card that has all of the phone numbers, account number, etc. is not locked in your car! So, I go to the pay phone...remember those? I dial 1-800-555-1212 (since that is free) to get an 800 number for Allstate so hopefully someone can direct me to the right location. They want to know what location I want!!! I don't care...just give me a 800 number to Allstate! They give me a 800 number. Guess what? The number is out of service! Great!! So I walk into Walmart and explain at the service desk that I locked my keys in the car (I didn't tell them Britlyn did it as she is easily embarrassed these days). They tell me, call the police...they will do it for free. They even dialed the number for me (I should quit bad mouthing Walmart...they are good people!). By the time I got back out to the parking lot, the police were pulling up and had it unlocked in seconds!

So we then wasted an hour and half in Walmart. I gave each of the girls $4.00 to spend...that took FOREVER (that is a post for another day!).

By the time we got back, the game was almost over and the rain had let up. On the way home, we stopped at Outback for a birthday dinner. Yum, Yum! I ate WAY too much and went to bed 3 1/2 hours later feeling like I had just eaten Thanksgiving meal! :(

Although I just spent way too long describing my birthday, that is not what I remember most about the day. What I remember most are the little things. Matt got Britlyn up for me and let me sleep in a little. She got dressed by herself and came in to wake me up with my birthday card while Matt made us cinnamon rolls. There was no begging her to get fighting over what to wear. Just a sweet, sweet girl! When she handed me the card, there was a line in it about about thanking mommy "for teaching me to do things on my own, and believing in me when I try". She wanted me to remember the day before at the park when she was trying to do the monkey bars like all of her friends were doing and couldn't do it. I gave her a little "pep talk"and told her she could do it...I knew she could...sang "Go Britlyn, Go Britlyn" as she tried, and cheered for her when she finally made it across. Then we bragged to Daddy when we got home. That is what she wanted me to know meant the most to her in the birthday card! It made me feel like I was doing ok...even though some nights I go to bed and think I must be the worst, most impatient mom there is!

Those are the "little things" that meant the most to me on my birthday! Matt is really good at doing those little things for me and I think he is passing that on to Britlyn. I am so thankful for them!

Next year, though, I think I will skip Super Walmart for my birthday and go to the spa!!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

32 Going on 13...

It all started a few weeks back when I found myself downloading onto my ipod a Miley Cyrus song. That's right...tween sensation Miley Cyrus...Hannah Montana...the same show I wouldn't let Britlyn watch! I can't help was a good song! What can I say!?

Well that got me to thinking...why do I not allow Britlyn to watch that show. Is it just because it's a Disney show, because it is VERY popular, because I know other people who don't allow their kids to watch it? I really wasn't sure why I told her "no" when I haven't even watched the show. So, I told her I would watch it with her and see what it was like and then make my decision. Well, I watched it. Other than being VERY cheesy, the show was absolutely fine. No boyfriend/girlfriend stuff (which I think Brit is too young to get into), no bad language, nothing. Needless to say, Britlyn was extremely excited that I was going to let her watch it. I told her I wanted to watch it with her the first several times until I was confident that I was ok with it and there would be no Hannah Montana t-shirts or posters going up in her room! So, we have watched it several times over the past week. I actually think it is a cute show. It is like the "Full House" of my day.

The other day I was watching it with Britlyn and I looked over at Matt to find him staring at me with a smirk on his face. When I asked "what?" he pointed out that I was REALLY into the show...laughing along. I was a little embarrassed.

But I'm telling you...that Billy Ray Cyrus is a great actor...and funny too!

Friday, May 16, 2008

NKOTB Rock!!

If you are anywhere between the ages of say 26 - 36 or so, you remember just how COOL New Kids On The Block were back in the day! I had to "sneak" and listen to them because I wasn't allowed to listen to that kind of music (sorry Mom or Dad if you are reading this...I made it through ok!). I loved Jordan!!!

Well this morning, I turned on the Today show and guess who was making their debut comeback performance? You got it...Joey, Jordan, Jonathan, Donnie & Danny!! And yes, they were singing "Right Stuff", "Step by Step", "Hangin' Tough" and all of the other greats!!

It's good to see that good quality music is coming back! :)

P.S. My honest opinion is that they really didn't sound great this morning. Their voices didn't blend well. Could have been that they were singing outside in the rain or could be that their voices are different now that they are older. Anyways, I will pretend it was great as any loyal fan should do!

Monday, May 12, 2008

I LOVE that Girl!

In honor of Mother's Day, Britlyn had to do a project at school with words that describe me. She brought it home on Friday and read it to me. Here are some of the words she used to describe me...hugging, cooking, smiling, skinny, pretty, working. DID YOU READ THAT 4TH ADJECTIVE??? She thinks I'm skinny!!! I love that about a 7 year old...I hope she never grows up!

Monday, May 5, 2008

I WILL Pick My Battles!!!

The other night when I was putting Avery to bed, she insisted on wearing these...

I have learned that I will pick my battles!

Holding my hand while walking in the parking lot...a battle I will win!

Taking an afternoon nap...a battle I will win!

Wearing bunny ears to bed...go for it!!

In other news...

A couple of months ago, Britlyn came home from school and informed us that there was a speech contest in her class. They had to memorize a poem or Bible passage and recite it in class. Four people from her class would be chosen to go on to an area Speech Meet to recite along with 4 other schools. Britlyn really wanted to win from her class and worked really hard and made it to the Speech Meet in April. She was awarded the Superior ribbon...the hightest you could get! We were SOOOOO proud of her!

When I mentioned to Matt afterwards that maybe sports wasn't going to be her thing...maybe she would be more into the Arts, the look he gave me was all I needed to know that she WOULD be participating in sports as well. Synchronized we come!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Hi. My Name is Amy and I'm Addicted to....

They say admitting your problem is the first step to recovery.

The other day Britlyn informed my husband that "Mommy is addicted to Craigs List". I quickly and adamantly denied that accusation! I mean...let's talk about some of the great finds I have gotten off of Craigs List.

This great IKEA bookshelf for the basement. Less than a year old and in perfect condition...and at a great price!

These white shutters for FREE (yes, I said free) when we were redoing the girls playhouse!

This cute little rocking chair that Avery loves to sit in!

And what about the income I have produced from the recent sales on Craigs List. I have sold a couple of things in the past week totalling $170.00. Doesn't that count for something!! maybe I'm a little addicted...but I am not ready for recovery yet! It's too much fun!!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Happy Birthday Granny!!

Yesterday my Granny turned 85!!!! You would never know she was 85. She is very active, loves to work in her flowers, works out on her bike in the basement. I love Granny....a lot! Last August our family lost Pa...Granny's husband. Sometimes, it is really hard to believe he is gone. It was very unexpected. One day he went in for a simple procedure....3 weeks later he was gone. This weekend I am taking my girls up to Akron to see Granny. You see, when Pa died, it had been a few months since I had seen him and when we got the "call" to come to the hospital, I left immediately for the 4 hour drive. By the time I got to the hospital, he was sedated and I never got to talk to him again. I will never forget the feeling of just wanting to talk to him one more time. I promised that would not happen again. I do my very best to see Granny once a month....if at all possible. I learned in August, there is no promise of tomorrow. We have to make it a point to spend time with those we love! Not trying to depress anyone...just reminding you of something I wish I had been reminded of before August!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Hello Blogging World!!!

Well, I have put this off for a year now! A lot of people know I love to read blogs! I call it my "smoking break" when I need a break from my work! I give my friends a hard time when they go too long between posts because I need something to read! I may regret that! :) I don't know how often I will post. I think I probably am doing this more as my diary so I can remember "moments" in my girls' lives! We'll see how it goes!

Here's my first "moment":

The other day my 2 year old daughter, Avery, was holding a cute little baby doll dressed head-to-toe in pink. I asked her if her baby had a name...she looked at me and very matter-of-factly stated that the baby's name was....Jesus! How could I argue with that!