Saturday, September 27, 2008

Let the Floodgates Open...

This morning, as I was pulling out of the garage, running late to get Britlyn to her horseback riding activity for American Heritage Girls, I heard a "crunch". It wasn't a sound I was supposed to be hearing pulling my van out of the garage. There shouldn't be anything behind me! But there was...Matt's car! When I heard the sound, I thought "what am I hitting?" And then I realized.

At that moment...all of the stress of the past few weeks...the hurricane that hit and caused a lot of damage to our house...that required a $500 deductible...while we are trying to do the Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University plan and build up our savings....that caused me to miss nearly a week of work because our internet was out from the storm....the talk from my boss about us being so slow because the real estate market is horrible in Florida (which really means my job is in jeopardy) my husband being gone A LOT with coaching and other job related me dealing with 2 kids who seem to fight my brain that won't stop thinking at night about all of the "stuff" going on and won't allow me to ALL CAME TO THE SURFACE!!!

Now, I am not normally one who cries. My Dad and sister call me and my Mom "rocks" because we rarely cry. There's really no need for it. It doesn't accomplish anything. But this morning...oh this morning...I had had enough! When I hit his car (and all I could think of was the damage...and the next deductible for the cars...and having to arrange getting the cars fixed with my husband's crazy schedule...and the rate increase that was sure to come from the that was a bit dramatic....but in a matter of seconds....that is what ran through my mind), the floodgates were opened!!!

My kids weren't exactly sure what to do. Brit ran in the house and told Matt that Mommy needed him. When he came out to find his normally composed wife in a heap over the steering wheel...crying, he calmly said, "It's ok. It's not that bad and it can all be fixed. It's not a problem." I love that man. He knows the perfect time to be calm and sweet and the person I need him to be!

As we drove away (a little more late than I was when we started), Avery said, "Mommy, you're too big to cry!"

Well, tomorrow is another day! Thank God!!

P.S. The cars were not nearly as bad as the sound when we hit. They will need to be fixed but the van just has some dents. Matt's car...which is old...will need a new headlight and has a dent that can probably be pounded out.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Whew...What a Week!!!

Well, we had a hurricane in Ohio this past week! Yes, that's right...a hurricane!! We left Florida after 10 years of dealing with hurricanes and had more damage to our house from a hurricane in Ohio than we ever had in Florida!

Last Sunday afternoon when we got out of church, it was EXTREMELY windy, but we didn't think much about it. Matt took Avery home and I took Britlyn to the grocery store. As I was getting ready to check out at the store, the power went out and they told us to leave our carts where they were and head out of the store. As I got into my van (and could barely get the door closed because the wind was blowing against it), I got a call from Matt that I needed to get home. He said the side of our house was coming off. I figured a few pieces of siding had come off, but when I pulled in the driveway, there were about 8 neighbors helping Matt as the siding was piece-by-piece coming off of our house and blowing...everywhere!! It was a strange sight...not realizing yet that we were experienceing the remnanats of Hurricane Ike mixed with a cold front coming down from Canada. It was something that rarely happens...but it was happening!

Here are some pictures of the damage to our house:

By Sunday evening when it was all over, nearly a million peope in our area were without power. We only lost it for about 24 hours. My parents were without it for 4 days...and still some people don't have it back after a week!

We were without internet for 6 days...and let me tell you...I need my internet!! Besides the fact, that I work from home...and 99% of my work is on the internet

Glad it's all over! Now....we wait for the insurance company and contractors to get our house could be long road!!!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Conversations with a 2 Year Old...

My conversation with Avery after dropping Britlyn off at school:

Avery: Where are we going?

Me: Home

Avery: I don't want to go home.

Me: Well, we need to go home.

Avery: No, Mommy, I don't won't to go home!

Me: I'm sorry, honey, but we have to go home

Avery: I. DON'T. WANT. TO. GO HOME!!!!!!

I quit arguing with her. After a couple of minutes of silence in the car:

Avery: I want Daddy.

Me: Daddy's at work.

Avery: Daddy not at work. I want Daddy.

Me: Avery, I am sorry but Daddy is at work. He will be home later tonight.

Avery: No, Daddy's not at work! I want my Daddy.

Me: Avery, Daddy is at work. I am sorry, but you can see him later.

Avery (whining): BUT. I. WANT. DADDY!!!!!

I think I am in for a long road with her (sigh)! It's a good thing she's cute!!

My conversation with Avery as we are leaving Ladies Bible Study at church:

Avery: My teacher is mean.

Me: Why is she mean?

Avery: She said "No".

Me: Why did she say no?

Avery: She won't let me take my crackers home.

Me: What do you mean?

Avery: In my [diaper] bag. I put my crackers in my bag and she said "No."

Me: That doesn't make her mean. She just doesn't want you to put crackers in your diaper bag.

Avery: She is mean. I'm not going to church anymore.

Me: (Laughing!!!)

Avery: Don't's not funny.

Please pray for Avery as she has decided church is not in her future!! :)

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Queen of Tacky Lives Here!

I am not a big fan of those flags that hang on your house. OK...that is putting it mildly...I really HATE them!! You know the ones that have the seasons, holidays, whatever on them. I think they are flat-out tacky!! Sorry if you have one...I don't mean to offend you...I just don't like them.

On Memorial Day, Matt came home from Home Depot with one. It was an American flag. He really came down on me when I objected to him putting it up telling me how "unpatriotic" I was...that men gave their lives for the freedom to display our flag! Ok, could I say no to that. Finally, I agreed...but ONLY the American flag.

Well, here's what I woke up to on Saturday morning.....

I am fairly certain that a flag with an Easter Bunny gnawing on a carrot is in the near future!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Palin Rocks!

I don't normally follow politics. Oh, I vote when it's time. I usually just vote straight Republican...even if I don't know much about them. I know, I know...I should read up, study, comtemplate, meditate and pray over who I am voting for. I don't. I just vote.

Oh....but this year........I am into the election!!!! I have watched more hours of the Replublican National Convention in the past 3 days than I have in my entire life combined!!!

Let me just say...Sara Palin is my new hero. I loved her speech. I love her views. I love her hair!
And I want this t-shirt!