Friday, September 5, 2008

Palin Rocks!

I don't normally follow politics. Oh, I vote when it's time. I usually just vote straight Republican...even if I don't know much about them. I know, I know...I should read up, study, comtemplate, meditate and pray over who I am voting for. I don't. I just vote.

Oh....but this year........I am into the election!!!! I have watched more hours of the Replublican National Convention in the past 3 days than I have in my entire life combined!!!

Let me just say...Sara Palin is my new hero. I loved her speech. I love her views. I love her hair!
And I want this t-shirt!

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Hey, sister, I am with you :) And if I had glasses, I would get hers too!