Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Queen of Tacky Lives Here!

I am not a big fan of those flags that hang on your house. OK...that is putting it mildly...I really HATE them!! You know the ones that have the seasons, holidays, whatever on them. I think they are flat-out tacky!! Sorry if you have one...I don't mean to offend you...I just don't like them.

On Memorial Day, Matt came home from Home Depot with one. It was an American flag. He really came down on me when I objected to him putting it up telling me how "unpatriotic" I was...that men gave their lives for the freedom to display our flag! Ok, Ok...how could I say no to that. Finally, I agreed...but ONLY the American flag.

Well, here's what I woke up to on Saturday morning.....

I am fairly certain that a flag with an Easter Bunny gnawing on a carrot is in the near future!


Anonymous said...


Shannon said...

That was a mean trick! Besides, if you are going to hang a flag that isn't USA then you might as well hang a good one -- like OSU :)